Contact Us

Diestel & Partners is a modern and comfortable dental clinic in Hong Kong, perfect for people who work in the city or for families who live nearby. Located in Room 1914, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queens Road, Central, Hong Kong. Please contact us should you have any questions.

Make an Appointment

Please note: Your booking is not confirmed until we have reviewed and sent you a confirmation.

Our Contact

Email Address

Call Us

+852 2522 2099

WhatsApp Us

+852 9786 5178

Our Location

Room 1914, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queens Road, Central

Service Times

Monday – Friday: 09:00-18:00
Saturday: 09:00-13:00
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed

How to Get There?


Take the Hong Kong Island line to Central station and take Exit D1 or D2 to Queen’s Road.


Drop off at 33 Queens Road Central (Melbourne Plaza)

Central Ferry Piers

The walkway from Pier 7 will take you all the way to Des Voux Rd. From there, on ground level, walk up Pedder Street and turn right onto Queen’s Road.

Midlevel Escalator

Take the stairs down to Queen’s Road. Find Melbourne Plaza on your left as you head towards LKF.


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