Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment involves removing infected or necrotic nerve tissue from the tooth to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding periodontal tissues and the jawbone, preserving the tooth.

Suppose you experience symptoms such as tooth pain or abscess formation. In that case, it may indicate an infection in the central part of the tooth (where blood vessels and nerves are located), requiring root canal therapy.

Our Central dental clinic’s experienced dentists can examine your teeth and provide professional root canal treatment to restore your oral health.

Root Canal 杜牙根(根管治療)
Table of Contents

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment involves the dentist creating an opening in the biting surface of the tooth to remove infected pulp and abscess material from inside the tooth. The empty space is then cleaned, disinfected, and filled with a special material to seal the area and prevent reinfection.

  • Number of Visits: 2 – 3
  • Appointment Time Per Visit: 60 – 90 minutes
  • Recovery Period: NA

Endodontic treatment helps you maintain your natural teeth, continue eating the food you love, and limit ongoing dental treatment. With proper care, most teeth that have undergone root canal treatment can last a lifetime.

Tooth Structure

The tooth is made of two parts: the upper visible part, which is the crown, and the part that lies in the jaw bone and is responsible for anchorage and holding the tooth position, which is called the roots.

The whole Tooth structure have following layers 

  1. Enamel: it is the outermost layer of the tooth .
  2. Dentin: this makes the whole tooth (crown and root ) structure and is comparatively soft than the enamel.
  3. Cementum: outer layer covering the root dentin.
  4. Pulp: the soft tissue at the centre of the tooth(crown&root). Its consists of connective tissue with nerves and blood vessels.

The root canal extends from the crown to the tip of the root . The root canal may be single or multiple.

Healthy Teeth
Root Canal 杜牙根(根管治療)

When A Root Canal is Needed

A root canal is needed when an infection has affected the pulp of the tooth. If you have any of the following symptoms, it may indicate the need for a root canal:

  • A severe toothache
  • Temperature sensitivity in the tooth
  • Swollen gums around the tooth
  • Darkening of the tooth
  • Traumatic injury to tooth
  • Pink tooth ( internal resorption)
  • Deep cavities
  • Trauma from occlusion

We’ll do a thorough examination, including X-rays of the affected tooth, to determine if a root canal treatment is the proper course of action.

What to Expect

The procedure consists of:

  • At first the dentist will put local anesthesia to numb your tooth and surrounding tissue.
  •  opening the tooth with special instrument and make access to the root canal. 
  • They will  remove any abscess and infection, then filling the tooth. 

We use a surgical microscope to show all the cracks and fractures, so we can clean them properly. This cutting-edge technology allows us to provide the best root canal treatments possible. We’ll even show you the inside of your tooth on the TV, so you can see what’s going on.

You’ll be thoroughly numbed before the procedure starts, and we’ll make sure you stay completely comfortable during the process. We have various sedation options, including happy gas, and we always take the time to help alleviate any nervousness you may have. We want you to feel in control of the process, and if you need to take a break, just let us know!

Root Canal 杜牙根(根管治療)


After a root canal treatment on the back teeth, we generally recommend placing a crown over the tooth to protect it from breaking. This is not typically needed for front teeth.

Aftercare Instructions

  • Post-Treatment Sensitivity: It is common to experience mild sensitivity or weakness in the treated tooth for a short period.
  • Temporary Filling Loss: If the temporary filling material comes loose, contact your dentist promptly to prevent bacterial infection.
  • Multiple Appointments May Be Needed: The complexity of the tooth’s root canals and the extent of the infection can vary, and some cases may require multiple visits to complete the treatment.

Recovering from root canal treatment

It’s important to look after your teeth when recovering from root canal treatment. After your final treatment, your restored tooth should no longer be painful, although it may feel sore for a few days.

Necessary precautions to take:

  • You should avoid biting on hard foods until your treatment is complete.
  • You can take over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, to relieve any discomfort.
  • keeping your teeth clean
  • Gargle with warm salted water
  • Avoid chewing on your treated tooth if you’re waiting on your permanent crown.
  • Avoid smoking after your root canal because smoking makes it harder for your tooth to heal.

Return to your dentist if you still have pain or swelling after using painkillers.

To prevent the further need of root canal procedure :

  • Floss and keep your teeth clean
  • Avoid eating too much sugary food
  • Visit the dentist and dental hygienist regularly so that they can detect caries early and perform necessary dental procedures.

Risks Related To Root Canal Procedures

If you have deep cavities and your teeth are still in good condition, as your dentist will advise you, it is better to get them treated early with a root canal procedure rather than having them extracted.

Sometimes root canals fail to heal the infected tooth.  

For example, if your tooth is very damaged, a root canal may not solve your issues. If your previous  root canal fails, your dentist will discuss other options:

  • Re-treating your infected root canal-treated tooth by doing another root canal.
  • Removing (extracting) your infected tooth and replacing it with a dental implant or fixed partial bridges.

Our Dentist

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